Our Veterinary Blog in Altadena, CA

Dog with Ear Mites in Pasadena, CA

Dog Ear Mites in Pasadena, CA: What They are and How to Protect Your Pet

Dog Ear Mites in Pasadena, CA: What They are and How to Protect Your Pet Ear mites can be very uncomfortable and hard on your pet. They can also be difficult to detect at the start of the infection. This means that your dog might struggle with ear mites for a while before you realize…

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dog dehydration in pasadena, ca

Is My Dog Dehydrated in Pasadena, CA? 5 Signs to Watch For

Is My Dog Dehydrated in Pasadena, CA? 5 Signs to Watch For Dogs can become dehydrated more easily than many people realize. Dogs that are struggling to stay hydrated can fall prey to heatstroke and lots of other illnesses. You will want to be sure that your dog is staying hydrated every day to make…

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cat vaccinations in pasadena, ca

Why Keeping Up with Your Cat’s Vaccinations in Pasadena, CA is Important

Why Keeping Up with Your Cat’s Vaccinations in Pasadena, CA is Important Cats and dogs alike need to be vaccinated as puppies and kittens to protect them from various illnesses and diseases that could be deadly to them and other animals around them. Dog and cat vaccinations are something most pet owners are aware of…

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dog park in pasadena, ca

6 of the Best Dog Parks in Altadena, CA to Visit with Your Pet

6 of the Best Dog Parks in Altadena, CA to Visit with Your Pet Spending time with your pet is important, and many dogs really need to head to the dog park at least a few times a week to get the wiggles out. This is particularly true if you live in an apartment or…

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kitten litter box training in pasadena, ca

How to Train a Kitten to Use the Litter Box in Pasadena, CA

How to Train a Kitten to Use the Litter Box in Pasadena, CA Getting a kitten can be exciting. You probably have picked a cute little bundle of fur to move into your home and have gotten them food bowls, kitten chow, and a litterbox. But what if your kitten is refusing to use the…

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dog ear infection in pasadena, ca

Can Dogs Get Ear Infections in Pasadena, CA?

Can Dogs Get Ear Infections in Pasadena, CA? Dog ownership can be a dance between caring for their needs and sorting out when they are actually okay and don’t need any further care. You will find that there are many conditions that dogs can get that might remind you of the health issues that children…

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feline leukemia in pasadena, ca

Feline Leukemia in Pasadena, CA: What it is and How to Protect Your Pet

Feline Leukemia in Pasadena, CA: What it is and How to Protect Your Pet If your cat has been diagnosed with Feline Leukemia or you have heard of this disease and want to make sure that your cat doesn’t get it, you need to know what Feline Leukemia is and how you can protect your…

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Dog Panting in Pasadena, CA

Dog Panting in Pasadena, CA: When is it Normal and When is it Too Much?

Dog Panting in Pasadena, CA: When is it Normal and When is it Too Much? Dog panting is normal behavior for dogs. However, if your dog is panting excessively or sounds like they are struggling while panting, then there may be a condition that you need to be aware of in your dog. It is…

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cat throwing up in Pasadena, CA

My Cat Keeps Throwing Up in Pasadena, CA – Should I Call the Vet?

My Cat Keeps Throwing Up in Pasadena, CA – Should I Call the Vet? If you are a cat owner, you’ve probably seen your cat vomit at least once. Although vomiting may seem alarming, there are a lot of potential causes of vomiting in cats that are not too serious. However, some of the causes…

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dog vaccinations in pasadena, ca

6 Reasons Why Dog Vaccinations in Pasadena, CA are Important for Your Pet’s Health

6 Reasons Why Dog Vaccinations in Pasadena, CA are Important for Your Pet’s Health As a dog owner, it’s important for you to understand the benefits of having your pet vaccinated. Keeping up with your pet’s vaccinations is a great way to provide excellent health care for her throughout her life, but did you know…

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