Pet Parasites in Altadena, CA

Request a Prescription Refill in Altadena

For your convenience, Altadena Pet Hospital has a full-service pharmacy right on the premises. Getting the proper medication or pet care product for your pet can be confusing. Our staff takes the time to give you the personal attention you deserve, and we guarantee you go home with the right product for your precious pet.

It is convenient to use our pharmacy—stop in immediately after your pet visits the veterinarian. Altadena Pet Hospital offers knowledgeable staff that are happy to give you guidance in effectively administering each medication. Our pharmacy staff may ask you questions about your pet or his lifestyle that can help us help you. Because we keep meticulous records of your purchases and refills, we can guard against potentially dangerous drug interactions. Please call us today with any questions about prescription refills.

Prescription Refills in Altadena, CA