6 Things to Pack for Your Dog’s Boarding Stay in Altadena, CA
For most people, getting to leave for vacation is such an exciting thing! However, for dog owners, there can be a lot of stress associated with leaving town. Where will you take your dog for boarding? What will she need? Will she be ok? The most important thing you can do is to research extensively about your options and visit each dog boarding location before you make a final choice. You want to be comfortable with the facilities, staff, pricing, and with how the animals are handled. You can choose to look at boarding at an animal hospital or at a dog daycare facility. It’s all your preference and what you’re comfortable with.
Once you’ve picked the best dog boarding option for you and your pup, it’s time to think about what to pack. Dogs have a hard time with changes in their routines and environment. The goal during packing should be to make sure your best friend is as comfortable as possible while you’re gone. So, what to pack?

This might not be as important if you’ve left your dog previously and you know that they were ok. It also might now be as important for just daycare. However, some dogs have a really hard time being left without their owners and their appetite can really suffer. If you’re going to be gone for a week, you want to make sure your dog will eat and stay healthy. It’s best to pre-portion your dog’s meals and make sure that there’s enough for your pet’s entire dog boarding stay.
If your dog takes daily medication or other supplements, you should make sure to include that in your dog’s bag. You don’t want to be in the situation where you’re hours away and your dog doesn’t have what he needs to stay healthy. To make things easy, include written instructions and any tips that might be useful in administering the medication. You should also consider pre-portioning the medication so that it’s simple for the dog boarding staff. Any little thing you can do to help will make your pup’s stay easy!
Favorite Toys
Most kennels and dog boarding facilities will have plenty of fun toys for your pup to play with. But, most dogs have at least one or two toys that they absolutely need in order to be happy. This could be a favorite stuffed toy, their Kong, or any other couple of toys that you know will make them so happy while you’re gone.
An Extra Leash
It’s typical of kennels to require you bring a leash with your dog, but it might be a good idea for you to pack an extra one in case yours gets lost or broken in some fashion.
Required Documents
Each dog boarding facility will have their own specific necessary forms. Usually vaccination records, contracts, and rule acknowledgment forms are required before your dog gets to stay. Make sure you have everything in order including emergency contact information.
Something From Home
In order for your dog to be as comfortable as possible while you’re gone, it would be a good idea to include a blanket or t-shirt or something special with your scent on it. This will make them feel more at home and loved while you’re away.
As stressful as it is to leave your dog while you’re getting ready for a vacation or trip, making sure you’re happy with the dog boarding facility and that your dog is well packed will keep your mind at ease.
Call Altadena Pet Hospital at (626) 798-0738 to book your dog for boarding in Altadena, CA today!