How to Tell if Your Dog Has Allergies in Altadena, CA

Do you think you might have a dog with allergies in Altadena, CA? Have you noticed some concerning symptoms that lead you to this conclusion? Allergies are common in dogs, and they’re usually not very severe. However, in some cases, dogs may need veterinary assistance to help deal with their allergies.

If you suspect your dog suffers from allergies, read through the information we’ve gathered below to help you figure this out. If you do think your dog has allergies, it may be time to take him to the vet to find out more options for how to help him.

Dog Allergy Treatment in Altadena, CA

Types of Dog Allergy Symptoms in Altadena, CA

Here are some signs that may help you recognize if you might have a dog with an allergy in Altadena, CA.

Skin Symptoms

One of the most common signs of a dog with an allergy is skin trouble. Dogs who have almost any type of allergy may suffer from several kinds of skin conditions, including dry skin, hot spots, hives, rashes, dandruff, and more. These symptoms can sometimes be managed with topical ointments, but if they get too out of hand, the dog may need to be treated with oral medication. Some serious outbreaks of hives may require steroids for your dog to be able to heal from them.

Skin symptoms are most commonly caused by contact dermatitis, which is in turn caused by contact allergies. For example, if your dog is allergic to the type of laundry detergent you use and he takes a nap in his freshly-washed dog bed, he will likely break out in hives or develop dry, flaking skin from this contact. Sometimes, however, skin symptoms can be caused by allergies to food. Dogs with an allergy to one or more of the ingredients in their regular food may have dandruff, poor coat conditions, hot spots, hives, or dry skin. If you suspect a food allergy is the cause, changing your dog’s food might be enough to solve the problem.

Digestive Symptoms

Digestive symptoms are another surefire way to tell if your dog has certain types of allergies. For the most part, digestive symptoms occur when your dog suffers from food allergies, but they may also happen due to other allergens present in the environment in Altadena, CA as well. These kinds of symptoms can almost always be managed by removing the cause of the allergen in the first place. However, your veterinarian may suggest other types of treatment or management depending on the severity of your dog’s condition and the cause of the allergy.

If your dog has food allergies, you may find out because of his digestive troubles. For example, if your dog is allergic to carrots and you feed him a type of food with carrots included as an ingredient, he may vomit or have severe diarrhea. He may also have an upset stomach or lose his appetite. He might simply have looser stool than is normal for him, but this can still be an indicator that something is not quite right somewhere. If you notice any of these symptoms, you may want to speak with your veterinarian in Altadena, CA to be sure, since digestive problems can signal a variety of other ailments too.

Respiratory Symptoms

Finally, if you see that your dog has frequent respiratory troubles, this may also mean he has allergies. Just like in humans, dogs may become sick with a runny nose, runny eyes, or stuffy head from allergies. Dogs may sneeze, cough, wheeze, spit up, or reverse sneeze when they are dealing with allergies too. Many times, dogs with respiratory allergies will rub their faces on furniture or on people to try to scratch them, and they may scratch their itchy ears and eyes often as well.

Respiratory allergies can be the most difficult to treat for some dogs, especially those who are severely allergic to pollen and other outdoor allergens in Altadena, CA. However, your vet can give you more information about how to handle this issue with your dog. You may need to give your dog with allergies medication every day during high pollen seasons, but you should only do this with your vet’s supervision. Additionally, the vet may give your dog steroids to help combat a very serious outbreak of respiratory illness related to allergies. Always take your dog to the vet if you notice these symptoms, as they can also signify other problems.

Talk To Your Vet About Your Dog’s Allergies in Altadena, CA

With this information, you can choose whether or not to bring up the potential of allergies at your dog’s next regular vet visit in Altadena, CA. Of course, if you think your dog has very severe allergies that may affect his overall health and wellbeing in serious ways, you should take him to the vet right away to have the problem addressed.

Dogs with allergies may require steroids, regular allergy medication, or other forms of treatment to help manage them. Your vet will be able to give you all the information you need about your dog’s specific allergy requirements.

If you have further questions about dog allergy treatments call Altadena Pet Hospital at (626) 798-0738 or book an appointment today!