My Cat is Constantly Sneezing in Altadena, CA – How Can I Help?

If you have a cat who is sneezing almost all the time, you might be worried about her. Sneezing frequently isn’t common in cats, and it’s important to figure out what’s going on and help her through the problem as soon as possible.

Read through the information below to find out what some of the most common causes of cat sneezing are and what you can do to help your feline friend. Be sure to talk to your cat’s vet if you have any further questions or concerns.

Possible Causes of Your Cat’s Sneezing

Below are some possible causes for your cat’s sneezing

Cat Sneezing in Altadena, CA

Respiratory Infections

Cats are extremely prone to respiratory infections, and sneezing is one of the most common symptoms. Respiratory infections may be bacterial or viral and include calicivirus, herpes virus, Bordetella, mycoplasma, and more.

Inflammatory Conditions

Rhinitis is the clinical term for chronic inflammation of the nose in cats. This condition is surprisingly common and can cause a cat’s nose to become irritated easily. This irritation then leads to frequent sneezing, and the cycle continues.


Cats may develop allergies to pollen, fleas, mildew, dust, or food. Sneezing is not a very common symptom of allergies in cats, but it can still happen, especially if it is caused by another related symptom such as inflammation.

Inhalation of Foreign Objects

Some cats may be prone to inhaling or trying to swallow foreign objects, such as pieces of toys or small objects they find around the home. This is incredibly dangerous for several reasons, but one of these reasons is that the cat’s airways could become partially or fully obstructed. A cat with a partially obstructed airway may sneeze frequently.


Tumors can also cause obstructions in the nasal passages, which may lead to sneezing. Although a tumor doesn’t directly cause a cat to sneeze, it can indirectly lead to sneezing as a symptom. Your cat will likely have other nasal symptoms if she is suffering from a tumor inside her nose.

Dental Disease

Finally, dental disease can sometimes cause sneezing in cats, although this is a less common symptom than some others. Sneezing associated with dental disease is caused by the irritation related to pain and tenderness from the teeth and gums.

Solutions for a Sneezing Cat

Below are some possible solutions for your cat’s sneezing. Be sure to talk with your veterinarian before beginning a treatment plan.

Antibiotic Medication

If your cat is diagnosed with a bacterial respiratory infection, she will be given antibiotics to combat the problem. The vet will tell you more about which type of medicine your cat needs and how much to give her. Remember that you should never give cats human medication and should only dose your cat based on the information provided by your vet.

Decongestant Medication

Some cats may need decongestants to help them deal with the symptoms of viral respiratory infections. Although there is no way to medically treat the viral infection itself, your cat’s sneezing may be able to be managed with the help of this type of medication.


Some cats may need to be on antihistamines for allergies, just like humans. Your vet may prescribe a specific type of antihistamine for your cat or may even give her an inhaler. You should never give cats human antihistamines, however, and only give your cat this type of medication if instructed by the vet.


If your cat’s allergies or infection are very severe, she may be given steroids. These steroids can help her body heal more quickly and can help it fight of the inflammation associated with allergies as well. They may make her extremely hungry and thirsty, so ask your vet if you have any concerns.


Many cats can find some relief from both chronic and acute respiratory problems—such as sneezing—from the use of humidifiers. If you use a humidifier for your cat, be sure to place it on a secure surface that she cannot reach, so she won’t risk knocking it over while it’s turned on.

Dental Treatment

Finally, cats who have sneezing associated with dental health problems may need dental treatment and care to feel better. Your vet can give you more information about dental cleanings for your cat as well as any surgery she might need to correct the problem.

Your Vet Can Help

As you can see, there are a lot of potential causes of sneezing in cats, and there are several things you can do to try to help your cat stop sneezing, too. If none of these solutions seem to work, or if your cat is suffering from other symptoms too, be sure to talk to your vet for a diagnosis and treatment recommendation.

Remember, too, that some cats may sneeze now and then without any cause for concern. If your cat’s sneezing is infrequent or is obviously caused by something (such as a toy tickling her nose), then there’s nothing to be worried about.

To book an appointment with the vets at Altadena Pet Hospital for your cat’s sneezing call (626) 798-0738 or use the online form!